Author Archives: Jeff Bolden

Windows 11: The wait is over!

Windows 11 Guide

Windows 11. All the benefits of using the very latest version of Windows in your business After waiting for months since the announcement, the brand new version of Windows 11 is finally here. It’s more secure, has some really interesting new functionality, and greater possibilities to make you more productive. And it looks beautiful to boot! […]

Free tool: Check how long it would take to crack your password

hand of hacker with electronic password cracking device close up

The longer and more complex your password, the harder it will be for cyber-criminals to crack it through brute force. What’s that? It’s where automated software tries thousands of variations of passwords, until it finds the right one. Check your password now. Enter it below and you’ll see how long it would take criminals to […]

The ultimate secret to keeping your business data safe

October2020 Guideblogpostimage

Hackers are targeting all businesses, all the time. Using clever automated tools, and by sending out billions of emails every day. It only takes one person to click on one bad link… and hackers can get into your system. That’s why we’ve written a brand new guide. To tell you about the ultimate secret to […]

Best laptops for remote working in 2020

Cup Of Coffee Laptop Office Macbook  - freephotocc / Pixabay

If you recently started working from home, you must have realized that it isn’t as easy as you thought it would be. Apart from setting up your home office and managing your time efficiently, a slow and outdated laptop should be the least of your worries. If you’re thinking of buying a new one, here’s […]

How much internet bandwidth do you need for remote work?

Busy woman working remotely from home

The COVID-19 pandemic has pushed businesses to adopt remote work setups. But with the sudden move, employees are finding out that they don’t have adequate resources to work from home, specifically due to poor or limited internet access. So that you don’t encounter the same issue, find out how much internet bandwidth you need to […]

Here’s how to download and install Windows 10

Windows  Laptop Screen Wallpaper  - 2023583 / Pixabay

Microsoft has made it possible for anyone to download Windows 10 from its website. This makes it easy for people to install the operating system (OS), provided they have the appropriate license. Let’s take a look at some of the ways you can download and install Windows 10 on your business computers. Method 1: Download […]

How to work from home securely

Laptop Desk Home Video Conference  - JoshuaWoroniecki / Pixabay

Encouraging staff to work from home is extremely vital in the midst of the COVID-19 outbreak. By minimizing social interactions and contact risks, you can reduce the spread of the virus. But be warned. Transitioning from a fully managed business environment to a home office can leave you vulnerable to cyberattacks and online scams. Here’s […]