Tag Archives: computers

Save on electricity with these PC tips

When it comes to saving energy, every little bit goes a long way. The more energy-efficient your PC habits, the more money you save. In fact, activating your PC’s power-saving features can save you up to $50 a year. And if you want to increase your savings even more, take note of the following tips. […]

Why it’s costly not to virtualize

You’ve probably heard that virtualization saves money, but how can you take advantage of this? Did you know that choosing not to virtualize can hurt your business? Answer these four questions to discover why virtualization is good for you.  Studies have shown that over 70% of IT budgets go to “keeping the lights on.” If […]

Energy saving tips for your PC

2018July03Hardware A PH

You want to save energy, but you need to use your PC every day. So maybe you just resort to turning off your computer when you’re not using it. But a plugged-in PC or electrical appliance, even when turned off, consumes standby power. Here are some tips on how you can save energy with your […]